✓ Love well the neighborhoods where you live
✓ Get training to multiply disciples & churches like Jesus
✓ Meet and connect with practitioners near you
We’re not called to a church experience on Sunday.
We’re called to follow Jesus. To do what He did, think like He thought, and love like He loved ... every day, every disciple.
It’s time to return to God’s design for discipleship, Church and life. It’s time to do what Jesus did and LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
Millions around the world are rediscovering the path of discipleship and church that Jesus modeled.
We are groups of individuals and disciple-making practitioners all over the world who love Jesus, seek to follow his commands and live out the Great Commission as disciples and simple churches. (Matthew 28.19-20).
Jesus. He has been given all authority (Matthew 28:18-20) and is the head of the Church (Colossians 1:18)
This was Jesus’ new command that he expected all of his followers to obey (John 15:9-17). As Christians, it should be the single greatest character quality that we demonstrate to our world.
Yes and No: We’re not “a” specific church, but we’re “the” universal church. That is, we are all followers of Jesus who seek to connect, communicate and collaborate as we all follow his commands and live the way he lived. We all share the common bond of faith in him. We are also a network of decentralized, organic churches that meet in homes, businesses and other places, and then those simple churches are connected at the city level. Our focus is multiplying disciples who come together as the church in their community.
There is no single organization or denomination overseeing this effort. We are all from varied Christian backgrounds and perspectives, operating in unity with Jesus as our king. We do have the common thread of desiring to see God’s Kingdom transform our communities through the multiplication of disciples and simple churches.
Nowhere, and everywhere. We’re spread all over the globe, though this site is focusing on disciple-makers in North America. We’re in many major cities across the US and Canada. You can contact us if you would like to get connected to any practitioners of disciple-making and church planting movements near you.
Disciple-making is the intentional effort to equip someone to follow Jesus and obey his commands and actively disciple another person. We like to say that a disciple is a person who hears God’s voice, obeys his commands, and shares them with others.
A movement is network of disciples and disciple-making simple churches that demonstrate generational growth rapidly and consistently. In terms of size/description, a typical movement encompasses 1,000+ disciples and/or 100+ churches.
We understand your concerns, but it’s really quite simple: We believe in Jesus and all that the Bible says he is. Since we’re not a corporate organization, there’s no building or centralized governing body to point you toward. Generally, we would all hold to the Lausanne Covenant in terms of our faith perspective.
No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man. Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.